Gandalf the White and the gang ride into town to save the day. Gandalf gets rid of Wormtongue and Sauron's influence over Theoden. Theoden sheds his old, awful looks and now recognizes the mistakes he has made. He sees things from a new light. He has light. We will equate Gandalf to Christ.
As long as Theoden let Wormtongue influence him, he was ineffectual as a king and a man. His people would have been destroyed. Once he was "saved" by Gandalf he once again had hope and could start being the king he was meant to be.
So with our porn addict husbands. When they are under the influence of porn they don't think right. They think they do, but they just don't. Unless they turn to Christ for help they won't be saved. They will be lonely lost creatures who are pathetic to behold. For:
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matt. 6:24
So if they are loving porn they are hating God, the one that can help them get this evil spirit out of their heart. They can only overcome porn by coming to the Savior. I'm praying for this miracle now. It will be a miracle. I hope this is clearer than mud. Just something on my mind.
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