Saturday, September 24, 2011


Wow life is just crazy and I haven't made the time to blog. So I will  post something now. I recently read
"Understand your MAN Secrets of the Male Temperament" by Tim LaHaye. What an interesting book. Yes I learned about my husband, but I also got insight into my children's and more importantly my temperament. Why would I want to learn about my temperament or anyone else's? Because then we can make sense of why people act the way they do and be more tolerant of them. For instance, why do some people forgive easier than others? It is their temperament. I really liked how it broke down the temperaments into their weaknesses and strengths. Then the author suggests we focus on our top ten weaknesses to work on. Yes it may be our natural temperament to be fearful or stingy etc. but if we are aware of our tendencies we can work on changing them.

This goes along so well with step four. When we know what needs to be worked on we can do it. I will say it is hard sometimes to admit I have some of the weaknesses I do, but if I don't humble myself enough to admit them, God will find a way to do that for me as I have found out. This is why we are here right, to improve ourselves? I just wish I didn't have so much which needed improving. lol

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