Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Admit To Ourselves

The next action step for Step Five is to admit to ourselves the exact nature of our wrongs. Sometimes this is the hardest or the easiest. Do we really want to acknowledge that we aren't as good as we want to be? But we need to or we are not going to ever improve. I think this also helps us to really get to know ourselves. If we have been living in a state of denial we are just hiding from ourselves and we aren't making any progress. Ya, I've been here and done that. It was hard to admit, because it took a while to see that was what I had been doing. I had stuffed a lot of things out of my sight so to speak, just so I could cope. But if I wanted to heal I needed to dig up everything and acknowledge who I was and who I wanted to be. I'm still trying to discover myself. I hope it doesn't take my kids as long as it is taking me. I like this quote from the handbook:
Feelings of shame or regret will never diminish if we continue to replay them over and over again in our minds or hide them from our consciousness. They no longer need to invade our peace and contaminate how we feel about ourselves. 
There you go. Get it out in the open, acknowledge it, work on it and move on.

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