Sunday, May 22, 2011

What's My Mission?

I came across a talk yesterday that really got me thinking in new ways. Stretched me you might say. It was a talk given by Julie B. Beck at BYU Women's Conference in 2010. I wish I could find the talk itself recorded but haven't yet. Here is the link to the talk. I highly recommend reading it. It was about three things:

  1. What it means to choose to serve the Lord?
  2. What that spirit is that  is put upon us?
  3. How we walk with the Lord?
She talked about what is our vision? Why are we here on earth? She talks about studying the life of Rebekah in the Old Testament and realized how important she was, and how we can be like her. "We each are pivotal in our families, and the success of the house of Israel is now dependent on millions of Rebekah’s who understand what their place and mission is on the earth."

She talked about the power of a faithful group of women who help and support one another and how important that is in todays environment. I first thought of the Twelve Step Support Group, we help each other, then Relief Society.

Then the answer to question two above: The power of personal revelation.  “The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important ability that can be acquired in this life. Qualifying for the Lord’s Spirit begins with a desire for that Spirit and implies a certain degree of worthiness. Keeping the commandments, repenting, and renewing covenants made at baptism lead to the blessing of always having the Lord’s Spirit with us.3 When we have that spirit, we can walk with God. We can know His Son and make proper choices."

Then she talks about how we walk with the Lord.
I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.
Years ago I began using a system that works for me, and maybe it will work for you. There was a time when I needed to prioritize, and in one of those sacred meetings between me and the Lord, He gave me three categories that I have worked from, and they have been a guide in my life. The categories are the essential things, the necessary things, and the nice-to-do things. I started writing those things down. I asked, “What has to go in the category of essential?” What things must be taken care of, and if I don’t take care of them, the blessings of eternal life won’t be mine nor will they be my family’s. 
Essential List:

  • Revelation--knowing the will of God, so what put her in the position to hear his voice:
    • Reading and studying the scriptures
    • Personal prayer. She kept paper and pencil with her to record answers or instructions.
    • Taking time to ponder and fast
    • Making covenants and keeping them
    • Going to sacrament meeting
    • Repenting every week
    • Going to the temple
    • Sharing the gospel
    • Service
Necessary List, necessary to create an environment where the Spirit of the Lord would be:

  • Homemaking--house of order
  • Cooking meals--a place to teach and gather
  • Smiling, being happy around family
  • Teach her children to pray and walk uprightly before the Lord.
  • Becoming self-reliant temporally which affects spiritual self-reliance.
  • Loving one another
Nice to do List:
  • Crafts
  • Hobbies
  • Recreational reading
  • Movies
  • Travel
  • Lunches with friends
It goes on and is a great talk. Really made me think. I really never thought about having paper and pen with me when I pray. But it makes sense. She also mentioned a way to study the scriptures which fits in with Step 4. I really liked this talk and got a lot out of it. Today is a good day for me to kick it into gear to figure my mission out. Have a great day!

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