Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Parents Be Responsible!

Yesterday I read this article link "Parents, don't dress your girls like tramps" by LZ Granderson. It was really interesting. It talked about parents letting their daughters dress sexy at a young age. What are parents thinking? If society thinks that this okay, which many do. They probably think pornography is okay also. Isn't this an introduction into soft porn? It makes it harder for our young men and husbands to keep there thoughts where they should be when a good chunk of the female population is roaming around half dressed. I have to say this is something that really bothers me.

I have a pre-teen daughter and I find it hard to find clothing at the store that is modest. In fact, I am in the process of sewing her some skirts because I can't find any that are long enough to be modest. Maybe if she was a really short person they would be long enough but she isn't. But I'm not going to let  her go around flashing her skin for all the world to see. So if parents would stop buying all those short skirts, and other immodest clothing, the clothing stores would start carrying clothes that don't make our children look like hookers.

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