Evaluating Our Personal Relationships.
This week I've decided that I hardly know who my husband really is. He has hidden so much of himself from me and still does, that when I discover things I feel like I've been sharing my life with a complete stranger. I wonder if I will ever really know him? Being the co-dependent that I am, doing Step Four helps me to evaluate how my emotions control my thoughts relative to my relationships with members of my family and others. If I notice a pattern of fear, negative thinking etc. I can work on changing it. I used to drive myself crazy with some of my negative thinking. I'm getting better, but this week I realized I still have a ways to go. The guide offers some questions to help.
- Do I mainly focus on the behaviors of others?
- Do I try to rescue others from the consequences of their addictive behavior?
- Do I seek to point out the faults of others in order to control them or to make myself feel better?
- Are any of these behaviors linked to unresolved issues from my past?
- Where have I let self-will (wanting things to turn out the way I was sure would be best) take over and drive me to be controlling and maybe even cruel or abusive to another person?
- Where have I let self-pity overcome me with despair? Do I allow myself to create victim thinking patterns and blame others for my current state of unhappiness?
- Where and when have I acted or even just felt self-righteous towards another?
- What thoughts and feelings of judgment concerning others increase feelings of resentment?
- What thoughts and emotions concerning the behaviors of others has been the source of my desire to fix and control someone else?
- What situations in my life have I allowed to control me and my peace because of the way I have reacted towards others?
Wow, these are great thought provoking questions. Now I have even more to think about as I go pull weeds. Have a great day!