Monday, March 14, 2011

New Guide

Saturday, I felt like a walking Zombie. But luckily things change, life goes on and you can snap out of it. My husband has been very nice to me since Friday night. I know something good will come out of all of this. This is where patience comes in real handy.

I was so glad the 12 step meeting was Sunday. It was so good to go. We got an updated Guide. They added Appendix's that you read also. So Instead of rotating reading the steps every 12 weeks it is now every 17 weeks, if I am understanding it correctly. So the new sections we read at meetings are:

  1. Understanding the Program
  2. Processing Our Emotions
  3. Identifying Unhealthy Behaviors
  4. Solutions For Unhealthy Behaviors
  5. Loving As God Loves
Last night we started with "Understanding the Program." It was good. I'll share some of the things that I really liked/needed. 
When you face adversity, you can be led to ask many questions. Some serve a useful purpose; others do not. To ask, Why does this have to happen to me? Why do I have to suffer this, now? What have I done to cause this? will lead you into blind alleys. It really does no good to ask questions that reflect opposition to the will of God. Rather ask, What am I to do? What am I to learn from this experience? What am I to change?    --Elder Richard G. Scott "Trust in the Lord" Ensign Nov. 1995
I think this is so key to getting healthy. We can keep asking all the wrong questions and get more depressed. I really liked this quote. Another quote by Elder Scott:
No matter what the source of difficulty...[all] human reaction to a challenge in life that engenders hatred, despondency, distrust, anger, or revenge must be supplanted by the tender mercies of a loving Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son....Do what you can do a step at a time....the surest, most effective, and shortest path to healing comes through application of the teachings of Jesus Christ in your life.

I can't wait to read through everything.

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