Monday, February 14, 2011

"Love Intercedes"

Yesterday was a nice day. Weather was great, church was good family time enjoyable and PASG group meeting was good. We missed all who weren't there.

Happy Valentines Day! Last year my husband had a bouquet of flowers delivered. I was totally shocked. So unlike him. The fact that he planned ahead, shocking. Which was a good thing because he had an accident before Valentines day and had to have surgery so he wouldn't of been able to go get anything. I really think it was another tender mercy from God. Reminding me he is aware of me and loves me. Today my husband said he will do dinner so I am just going to do dessert. Yea!

The 10th C of Emotional and Spiritual Healing:

     10.  I can avoid setting my own expectations about the future that negatively influence my emotional and spiritual health. I trust the future to God. 

This is another tough one. I have a tendency to have high expectations for people including myself and since I can't control anyone but myself. These expectations aren't met with real frequency. Which then leads to a myriad of negative feelings and emotions, which in turn effects my spiritual health. So I had to stop. I was driving myself crazy. I had to accept that my timeline isn't God's, so it isn't the best. I had to learn to trust. That is hard when people you thought you could trust completely let you down. Then I questioned why did God have me marry this man etc.. I had to start to trust again. Who better to start trusting than God. He is perfect and all knowing. So I started with him. I feel a peace now that things will work out the way they are supposed to, whatever that is, if I do what I know I am supposed to do. That no matter what happens, I will be okay. That is such a peaceful thought. I didn't used to feel that. I felt my life was complete chaos and I was sinking in a quagmire of despair.
So for me trusting God was freeing.

So trusting God makes today's Love Dare much easier.

Day 16: Love Intercedes
Begin praying today for your spouse's heart. Pray for three specific areas where you desire for God to work in your spouse's life and in your marriage.

I like the idea of praying for his heart. Frankly I believe the only way for him to beat his addiction is to have a change of heart. That is the only thing that is going to help him to hang on when it is tough and give him the strength to endure. When he is trying to do it himself, he will fail. He has. I don't know how  many times he has tried to break this addiction, countless. He needs God's help.  I have been praying and asking Heavenly Father to help him in the ways that he needs. Today I will pray for a change of heart among other things. I do believe in miracles. I've been seeing them along the way. I just wanted a big one right away. But now I know that wouldn't of helped me, or him.

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